Atminimo medelis
7.00 EUR
Siekant saugoti velionių atminimą ir tausojant visų Mūsų Lietuvos gamtą, vietoje įprastos žvakės kviečiame uždegti skaitmeninę žvakutę už velionis, už kurią bus pasodintas medelis Lietuvoje.
We invite you to join the initiative
Light a digital candle - plant a tree!
To honor the memory of the deceased and protect the nature of the UK, instead of a regular candle, we invite you to light a digital candle for the deceased, for which a tree will be planted.
How it works?
Select the grave
Through the search on, you can find the grave where you want to light a digital candle.
Buy a candle
Buy a digital candle, and for one month it will be displayed burning next to the grave photo on the website.
We will plant a tree
In cooperation with the organization Forests of Planet Earth, a tree will be planted in the UK in your name.